Puzzle HD - Egg Republic app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: iiPeen Inc.
First release : 24 Oct 2011
App size: 20.95 Mb
★★★Holiday Puzzles★★★
from Egg Republic.
The holidays wont be the same again. Egg Republic is launching holiday puzzles that give Halloween, Christmas, and New Year a new spin.
Halloween has spunk, with some scary music and beautifully edgy graphics.
Christmas is classic: Good tidings prevail in artwork that does something difficult—escape the cliché while keeping a wintry theme.
And the New Year puzzle has a decidedly Chinese ambiance in music and graphics.
Join the fun. These puzzles delight. While theyre built for kids, creative artwork makes them something for adults to behold as well.
Great for holiday gifts! Spread the word. Egg Republic breaks new ground with eye-catching puzzles for young and old.
Happy Holidays!
蛋蛋共和國 - 歡樂假期 拼圖
蛋蛋共和國系列 之 歡樂假期 拼圖 來讓您共渡每個快樂的節日!
蛋蛋共和國的歡樂假期拼圖將會在每個假期推出不同的假期主題拼圖, 每個主題都有三張具藝術氣息的拼圖等你來完成!
★ 三個假期主題拼圖: 中國新年, 萬聖節, 聖誕節
★ 假期主題背景音樂
★ 藝術圖畫拼圖
蛋蛋共和国 - 欢乐假期拼图
蛋蛋共和国的欢乐假期拼图将会在每个假期推出不同的假期主题拼图,每个主题都有三张具; music气息的拼图等你来完成!